Chapter 1. Meet QlikView

Congratulations on your decision to start learning QlikView development! You are now well on your way to building and delivering analytical applications that will help you and your organization quickly gain new insights and make fact-based decisions.

Before we dive in and start building all sorts of wonderful things, we first need to review some of the basics. This first chapter introduces us to the business end of QlikView. We will discover what QlikView is, how it's different from other tools, and how we can explore and interact with our data within a QlikView document. Of course, this being a technical book, we will also be looking at the various technical components that QlikView consists of. This chapter concludes with an introduction to HighCloud Airlines, the practical case we will be working on throughout the book in the form of hands-on exercises.

In this chapter, specifically, we will look at:

  • What is QlikView?
  • Exploring data with QlikView
  • The technology and components behind QlikView
  • HighCloud Airlines and why QlikView might be just the tool they need

First, let's look at what QlikView is, what we can do with it, and how it differs from other solutions that are available on the market.