Listing content

Click on the Content link under Manage again, and you will see a list of all content that you have created so far.

You can filter content according to its Published status and by content Type and Title. Thus, you can easily reduce the list down to, for example, only show Articles.

You can then select one or more items using the checkboxes and apply various actions using the With selection menu.

At this stage we are only aiming that you visit this page to witness the kind of bulk operations that you can do to your content nodes.

Don't actually select any of the nodes and apply any of the With selection options just yet and be sure to leave the articles promoted to the front page.

You may also note that you can create new content from this page too, and you'll be covering this in full detail later in Chapter 5, Basic Content.

Revisiting the home page

Return to your home page by clicking on the Back to site link followed by the Drupal logo or the Home menu item.

Alternatively, you can get there by typing http://drupal-8.dd:8083 directly in the browser address bar.

Note that you can also jump straight to the home page by clicking on the site name.

You may recall from the illustration earlier, in the section entitled Front Page, that the Front page Main content region is actually a view. When you first visited your home page at the beginning of this chapter, you hadn't created any content, but now that you have, the dedicated Front page view lists out all the Articles that have been Promoted to the front page in reverse order of their creation date. By default, all the newly created Article nodes are Promoted to the front page, so you should see the following listing of teasers to your recently created articles: