2.2 工程地质条件 Engineering geological conditions

(1)地形、地貌 Topography and geomorphy

地形 topography

地貌 geomorphy,landform

地貌类型 geomorphic type

大陆 continent

山系 mountain system

山脉 mountain range

山地 mountain region(area)

山坡 mountain slope,hillside

山麓 mountain foot

垭口 saddle back

山口 mountain pass

山谷 valley

丘陵 hill

高原 plateau

高地 highland

平原 plain

准平原 peneplain

残丘 inselberg

盆地 basin

洼地 depression

山间盆地 intermontane basin

河谷 river valley

峡谷 canyon,gorge

纵谷 longitudinal valley

横谷 transverse valley

斜向谷 insequent valley

平直河道 straight channel

蜿蜒河道 meandering channel

多叉河道 braided channel

U形谷 U-shaped valley

V形谷 V-shaped valley

凸岸 convex bank

凹岸 concave bank

河湾 river bend

开阔地 open terrain,open ground

坡度 gradient,slope

缓坡 gentle slope,flat slope

陡坡 steep slope,abrupt slope

悬崖 cliff,scarp

凹槽 trough

凹坡 concave slope

凹凸形 concavo-convex

凹陷 hollow

分水岭 water divide,watershed

阶地,台地 terrace

侵蚀阶地 erosional terrace

堆积阶地 constructional terrace

基座阶地 bedrock seated terrace

埋藏阶地 buried terrace

新近纪湖积台地 neogene lacustrine deposit platform

湖积平原 lacustrine plain

牛轭湖 ox-bow lake

三角洲 delta

洪泛平原 floodplain

堆积平原 accumulation plain

剥蚀平原 denudation plain

陆相剥蚀平原 plain of subaerial denudation

侵蚀平原 erosion plain

冲积平原 alluvial plain

冲积扇 alluvial fan

洪积扇 diluvial fan,proluvial fan

坡积裙 talus fan

冲沟 gully

坳沟 shallow flat ravine

冰川地形 glacial landform

冰斗 glacial cirque

冰川谷 glacier valley

悬谷 hanging valley

冰碛阶地 glacial drift terrace

冰冻隆起 frost upheaval

翻浆 frost boiling

磨蚀 abrasion

磨圆碎屑 rounded fragment

风成地貌 eolian landform

黄土高原 loess plateau

黄土梁 loess ridge

黄土峁 loess hill

黄土塬 loess tableland

黄土坪 loess terrace

落水洞 sinkhole

雅丹地貌 Yardang landform

风蚀残丘 eolian monadnock

风蚀壁龛 tafone

蘑菇石 mushroom stone

沙漠 desert

戈壁 gobi,stone desert

侵蚀及剥蚀地貌单元 erosional and denudational geomorphic unit

剥夷面(夷平面) planation surface

剥蚀 abrasion,denudation

剥蚀面 denudation plane

侵蚀基准面 erosion basis,base level of erosion

古地理学 paleogeography

古地下水 fossil groundwater,paleo-groundwater

古河槽 old channel,buried channel

古河道 ancient river course,paleochannel

古滑坡 ancient landslide,old landslide

古岩溶 ancient karst

古代冰川作用 ancient glaciation

(2)岩土与矿物 Rock,soil and minerals

岩性学 lithology

第四系沉积物 Quaternary sediment(deposit)

成土母岩 soil-forming rock

成岩作用 diagenesis

成因分类 genetic classification

成因分析 genetic analysis

内因 internal cause

内营力 endogenetic agent

外营力 exogenic agent

成因类型 genetic type

堆积 accumulation

冲积 alluvium

洪积 diluvium

坡积 slope wash

残积 eluvium

冰碛 glacial drift

冰水堆积体 outwash deposit

冰川沉积,冰积层 glacial deposit

风积物 eolian deposit

湖积物 lacustrine deposit

滑坡堆积 landslide deposit

碎屑沉积 clastic sediment

人工堆积 artificial deposit

堆积体 accumulation body

土石混合体 soil-rock mixture

表土 regolith,top soil

孤石 lonestone

漂石(漂砾) erratic boulder

块石 rock block

卵石 cobble,pebble

砾石 gravel

粗砾 coarse gravel

中砾 medium gravel

细砾 fine gravel

砂 sand

粗砂 coarse sand

中砂 medium sand

细砂 fine sand

粉砂(粉土) silt

碎石土 debris soil

砾质土 gravelly soil

粗砾质土,卵石土 cobble soil

壤土 loam

砂壤土 sandy loam

砂性土 sandy soil

黏土 clay

黏性土 cohesive soil,clayey soil

无黏性土 cohesionless soil

砂质黏土 sandy clay

分散性黏土 dispersive clay

红黏土 laterite

有机质土 organic soil

淤泥 mud

淤泥质黏土 muddy clay

冰碛土 moraine soil

冻土 frozen soil

黄土 loess

湿陷性黄土 collapsible loess

自重湿陷性黄土 self weight collapsible loess

非自重湿陷性黄土 non-weight collapsible loess

非湿陷性黄土 non collapsible loess

膨胀土 swelling soil,expansive soil

敏感性土 sensitive soil

人工填土 backfilled soil

颗粒形状 particle shape

棱角状 angular

次棱角状 subangular

次圆状 subrounded

圆状 rounded

扁平状 flat

长条状 elongated

沉积岩 sedimentary rock

岩相 lithofacies

陆相 continental facies

陆相红层 red bed of continental facies

海相 marine facies

海相碎屑岩 clastic rocks of marine facies

浅海相 neritic facies,shallow sea facies

滨海相 littoral facies

湖相 lacustrine facies,lake facies

泻湖相 lagoon facies

河相 fluvial facies

冰水沉积 glaciofluvial deposit

煤层 coal seam

蒸发岩 evaporite

砾岩 conglomerate

角砾岩 breccia

底砾岩 basal conglomerate

砂砾岩 sandy conglomerate

砂岩 sandstone

杂砂岩,硬砂岩 greywacke

石英砂岩 quartz sandstone

长石砂岩 arkose,feldspathic sandstone

铁质砂岩 ferruginous sandstone

岩屑砂岩 lithite

砾砂岩 conglomeratic sandstone

粉砂岩 siltstone

黏土质砂岩 argillaceous sandstone

黏土岩 clay stone(rock)

泥岩 mudstone

粉砂质泥岩 silt mudstone

页岩 shale

黏土页岩 clay shale

炭质页岩 carbonaceous shale

油页岩 kerogen shale(oil shale)

铝土页岩 bauxitic shale

灰岩,石灰岩 limestone

鲕状灰岩 oolitic limestone

粒状灰岩 granular limestone

板状灰岩 platy limestone

泥质灰岩 argillaceous limestone

结晶灰岩 crystalline limestone

致密灰岩 compact limestone

生物碎屑灰岩 bioclastic limestone

白云质灰岩 dolomitic limestone

竹叶状灰岩 wormkalk

泥灰岩 marl

斑脱土(岩),膨润土 bentonite

胶结 cement

硅质胶结 siliceous cement

钙质胶结 calcareous cement

泥质胶结 argillaceous cement

钙质结核 caliche nodule,calcareous concretion

扁豆体,透镜体 lenticle

变质岩 metamorphic rock

浅变质岩 epimetamorphic rock

深变质岩 katametamorphic rock

正变质岩 orthometamorphite,ortho-rock

副变质岩 parametamorphite

叶理化变质岩 foliated metamorphic rock

板岩 slate

千枚岩 phyllite

片岩 schist

云母片岩 mica schist

滑石片岩 talc schist

角闪石片岩 amphibole schist

绿岩(绿闪石片岩) noricite

片麻岩 gneiss

流纹片麻岩 rhyolite-gneiss

花岗片麻岩 granite-gneiss

斜长片麻岩 plagio-gneiss

混合岩 migmatite

混合岩化 migmatization

块状变质岩 massive metamorphic rock

大理岩 marble

钙质白云石大理岩 calc-dolomite marble

石英岩 quartzite

变质砂岩 metasandstone

变质砾岩 metaconglomerate

变质泥岩 metapelite

角岩 hornfels

麻粒岩 granulite

角闪岩 amphibolite

粗面岩 trachyte

粗玄岩 dolerite

构造岩 tectonite

构造角砾岩 tectonic breccia

破碎角砾岩 cataclastic breccia

碎裂岩 cataclasite

挤压片状岩 sliced rock

糜棱岩 mylonite

千糜岩 phyllonite

断层泥 fault gouge,fault clay

火成岩,岩浆岩 igneous rock

岩浆 magma

酸性岩 acid rock

伟晶岩 pegmatite

花岗岩 granite

花岗伟晶岩 granite-pegmatite

花岗斑岩 granite-porphyry

细晶岩 aplite

流纹岩 rhyolite,liparite

中性岩 intermediate rock

闪长岩 diorite

花岗闪长岩 granodiorite

煌斑岩 lamprophyre

正长岩 syenite(sinaite)

二长岩 monzonite

玢岩 porphyrite

安山岩 andesite

英安岩 dacite,quartz andesite

基性岩 basic rock

辉长岩 gabbro

辉绿岩 diabase,dolerite

玄武岩 basalt

响岩 phonolite

超基性岩 ultra-basic rock

辉岩 pyroxenite

橄榄岩 peridotite,olivinite

蛇纹岩 serpenite

深成岩 plutonic

岩床 sill

岩盘 laccolith

岩株 stock

岩脉 vein,dike

石英脉 quartz vein

伟晶岩脉 pegmatite vein

细晶岩脉 aplite vein

绿帘石脉 epidote vein

方解石脉 calcite vein

煌斑岩脉 lamprophyre vein

基质 matrix

母岩 host rock

脉岩 vein rock,dyke rock

捕虏体 xenolith

斑岩 porphyry

火山岩 volcanic rock

喷出岩 extrusive rock,eruptive rock

中酸性喷发岩 intermediate acidic eruptive rock

火山角砾岩 volcanic breccia

火山碎屑岩 pyroclastic rock

凝灰岩 tuff

暗色矿物 dark mineral

亮色矿物 light mineral

伴生矿物 associated mineral

次生矿物 secondary mineral

软弱矿物 soft mineral

蚀变矿物 altered mineral

暗褐黄色 dark brownish yellow

亮灰绿色 light grayish green

玻璃光泽 vitreous luster

珍珠光泽 pearly luster

油脂光泽 greasy luster

金属光泽 metallic luster

滑石 talc

叶蜡石 pyrophyllite

蒙脱石 montmorillonite

蛭石 vermiculite

高岭石 kaolinitic

水云母 hydromica

石墨 graphite

褐铁矿 limonite

石膏 gypsum

绿泥石 chlorite

岩盐 halite

黑云母 biotite

白云母 muscovite

蛇纹石 serpentine

方解石 calcite

硬石膏 anhydrite

重晶石 barytes

白云石(岩) dolomite

黄铜矿 chalcopyrite

萤石 fluorite

磷灰石 apatite

角闪石 hornblende

辉石 augite

蛋白石 opal

阳起石 actinolite

白榴石 leucite

磁铁矿 magnetite

赤铁矿 hematite

透长石 sinidine

正长石 orthoclase

斜长石 plagioclase

黄铁矿 pyrite

绿帘石 epidote

石英 quartz

电气石 tourmaline

红柱石 andalusite

黄玉 topaz

刚玉 corundum

金刚石 diamond

伊利石 illite glimmerton

(3)岩石结构与构造 Texture and structure of rock

结晶质 crystalline substance

非晶质 amorphous substance

硬度 hardness

解理 cleavage

断口 fracture

贝壳状断口 conchoidal fracture

结构 texture

斑状结构 porphyritic texture

带状结构 banded texture

等粒结构 granulitic texture

多孔结构 hiatal texture

非均匀结构 heterogeneous texture

角砾结构 brecciated texture

碎屑结构 clastic texture

砂质结构 arenaceous texture

黏土质结构 argillaceous texture

泥质结构 pelitic texture

生物结构 biogenetic texture

粒状结构 granular texture

流状结构 fluidal texture

糜棱结构 mylonitic texture

微晶结构 microlitic texture

粗晶结构 coarsely-crystalline texture

粗粒结构 coarse grained texture

斑晶结构 phenocryst texture

晶孔 vugular pore

显晶质结构 phanerocrystalline texture

隐晶质结构 cryptocrystalline texture

玻璃质结构 vitreous texture

包体结构 inclusion texture

变余结构 palimpsest texture

变晶结构 crystalloblastic texture

板状构造 tabular structure,platy structure

千枚状构造 phyllitic structure

片状构造 schistose structure

片麻状构造 gneissic structure

带状构造 banded structure

眼球状构造 augen structure

块状构造 massive structure

流纹状构造 rhyotaxitic structure

气孔状构造 vesicular structure

杏仁状构造 amygdaloidal structure

柱状构造 columnar structure

沉积层理构造 sedimentary bedding structure

相变 facies transformation

岩层 rock formation,rock stratum

岩层产状 stratum orientation,attitude of bed

岩层倾角 stratum dip

岩层走向 stratum strike

岩层间断 stratum gap

岩层交互 beds alternation

标志层 marker bed

标准层 index bed,guide bed

标准化石 guide fossil,index fossil

层面(层理面) bedding plane

层理 bedding,stratification

交错层理 cross bedding

水平层理 horizontal bedding

波状层理 wave bedding

透镜体 lens

尖灭 wedge out

错动层面 faulted bedding plane

整合 conformity

不整合 unconformity

角度不整合 angular unconformity

假整合 disconformity

夹层 interlayer,intercalation

泥化夹层 argillized seam

软弱夹层 weak interlayer

黏土夹层 clay seam

互层 alternating layers,interbedded layers

(4)地质构造 Geological structure

褶皱 fold

褶皱作用 folding

褶皱带 fold zone,fold belt

褶皱脊 fold hinge

褶皱轴 fold axis

褶皱翼 fold limb

平卧褶皱 recumbent fold

倒转褶皱 overturned fold

倾覆褶皱 plunging fold

直立褶皱 upright fold,erect fold

锯齿状褶皱 zigzag fold

短轴褶皱 brachy-axis fold

弯曲褶皱 buckled fold

扭曲褶皱 contorted fold

拖曳褶皱 drag fold

闭合褶皱 closed fold

向斜 syncline

背斜 anticline

复背斜 anticlinorium

复向斜 synclinorium

倒转背斜 overturned anticline

倾伏背斜 plunging anticline

单斜构造 uniclinal structure

构造穹窿 structural dome

构造盆地 structural basin

挠曲 bending fold

揉皱 crumple

断层 fault

正断层,下落断层 downthrown fault,normal fault

张性断层 tension fault

逆断层,上冲断层 upthrown fault,thrust fault

逆掩断层 overthrust fault

剪切断层 shear fault

剪切带 shear zone

韧性剪切带 ductile shear zone

平移(走滑)断层 displacement fault,strike-slip fault

左旋扭动 left lateral wrench

左旋走滑活动 left lateral strike-slip activity

右旋走滑位错 right lateral slip offset

层间错动带 interlayer shear zone

共轭断层 conjugated fault

雁列断层 en echelon fault

叠瓦断层 imbricate fault

顺河断层 fault stretching along river

隐伏断层 buried fault

断层擦痕 slickenside,fault striation

断层擦沟 fault striae

断层破碎带 fault fractured zone

断层影响带 fault influenced zone

挤压片理和劈理带 compression schistosity and cleavage zone

断层交会带 fault intersection zone

层间挤压面(带) crushed bedding plane(zone)

构造挤压带 crushed zone of structure

擦痕面 slickenside

脆性断裂 brittle fracture

脆性破坏 brittle failure

错位 dislocation,malposition

节理,裂隙 joint

原生节理 primary joint

纵节理 longitudinal joint

横节理 cross joint

层节理 bedded joint

柱状节理 columnar joint

构造裂隙(节理) tectonic joint

张裂隙(节理) tension joint

剪裂隙(节理) shear joint

共轭裂隙(节理) conjugate joints

层面裂隙,顺层节理 bedding joint

层间(层内)节理 intraformational joint

羽状节理 feather joint

羽状张节理 pinnate tension joint

羽状剪节理 pinnate shear joint

次生节理 secondary joint

风化裂隙 weathering fissure

微裂缝,微裂隙 microfissure

张裂缝 tension crack

张开的节理 fissure

节理系 joint system

节理组 joint set

节理密集带 densely jointed belt,joint-concentrated zone

节理连通率 joint persistence ratio

节理频数 joint frequency

裂缝充填物 fissure filling,crack filling

裂缝愈合 crack healing

裂缝开度 crack aperture

产状 orientation,attitude

方位角 azimuth angle

方向角 direction angle

走向 strike

倾向 dip direction

倾角 dip

真倾角 actual dip

视倾角(假倾角) apparent dip

缓倾角 low-angle dip

交线 line of intersection

倾伏角 plunge

倾伏方向 trend

开度 aperture,separation

闭合 closed

微张 slightly open

张开 open

壁面 wall surface

钙质薄膜 calcium coated

铁质浸染 iron disseminated,ferruginous imbueing

铁锰质浸染 iron-manganese disseminated

起伏度 fluctuation,waviness

粗糙度 roughness,asperity

平直的 planar

起伏的 undulating

有台坎的 stepped

有擦痕的 slickensided

镜面的 mirror,polished

光滑的 smooth

粗糙的 rough

充填物 infilling,filling

节理充填物 joint filling

石英脉充填 quartz vein infilled

方解石充填 calcite infilled

黏土充填 clay infilled

泥质物充填 argillaceous infilled

斜距 oblique distance

劈理 cleavage

流劈理 flow cleavage

板劈理 slaty cleavage

破劈理 fracture cleavage

折劈理 crenulation cleavage

滑劈理 slip cleavage

错动劈理,应变滑劈理 strain-slip cleavage

层面劈理 bedding cleavage

轴面劈理 axial plane cleavage

线理 lineation

(5)岩体结构 Rock mass structure

节理岩体 jointed rock mass

整体结构 integral structure

完整岩体 intact rock

层状岩体 stratified rock

节理中等发育岩体 moderately jointed rock

块状破裂岩体 blocky and seamy rock

受挤压岩体 squeezing rock

膨胀岩体 swelling rock

块状结构 massive structure,blocky structure

次块状结构 sub-massive structure,sub-blocky structure

层状结构 stratified structure,bedding structure

巨厚层状结构 giant-thick layer structure

厚层状结构 thick layer structure

中厚层状结构 moderately thick layer structure

互层状结构 alternately bedded structure

薄层状结构 thin layer structure

镶嵌结构 interlocked structure,mosaic structure

块裂结构 blocky-fractured structure

碎裂结构 cataclastic structure,disintegrated structure

散体结构 loose granular structure,cohesionless granular structure

碎块状结构 clastic structure

碎屑状结构 fragmental structure

结构面 structural plane,discontinuity

硬性结构面 rigid structural plane

软弱结构面 soft(weak)structural plane

平直结构面 planar structural plane

波状结构面 undulating structural plane

台阶结构面 stepped structural plane

贯通结构面 penetrating(through)structural plane

压性结构面 compressive structural plane

张性结构面 tensile structural plane

扭性结构面 torsion structural plane

拉裂面 pulling apart plane

切割面 cutting plane

临空面 free face

结构体 structural mass,structural body

结构面分级 grading of structural plane

(6)水文地质 Hydrogeology

地下水 ground water

透水层 permeable layer

含水层 aquifer

隔水层 aquifuge

相对隔水层 relative watertight layer

阻水层 aquiclude

包气带 aeration zone

毛细水 capillary water

毛细管带 zone of capillarity

上层滞水 perch groundwater

潜水 phreatic water

孔隙潜水 pore groundwater

孔隙水 pore water

裂隙水 fissure water

脉状水 veinwater

裂隙潜水 fissure groundwater

潜水位,地下水位 water table,groundwater table

承压水 confined water,artesian water

承压地层 confining stratum

隔水底层 confining underlying bed

隔水顶层 confining overlying bed

裂隙承压水 fissure artesian groundwater

承压水流 confined flow

承压水头 confined water head,artesian head

自流盆地 artesian basin

地下热水 hot groundwater

温泉 hot spring

钙华 calc-sinter

硫磺华 sulphur-sinter

硫化氢 hydrothion

矿化水 mineral water

岩溶水 karst water

泉 spring

下降泉 depression spring,gravity spring

上升泉 ascending spring

自流泉 artesian spring

喷泉 fountain

间歇喷泉 geyser

地下水排泄区 discharge area of ground water

地下水位坡降 gradient of water table

水质 water quality

水化学分析 hydro-chemical analysis

水样 water sample

水样简分析 simplified analysis of water sample

水样全分析 total analysis of water sample

阴离子 anion

阳离子 cation

离子毫克数 milligram value of ion

离子毫克当量 milligram equivalent of ion

矿化度 mineralization,salinity

总矿化度 total salinity

总硬度 total hardness

溶解固形物 dissolved solid matter

不溶解固形物 indissolved solid matter

酸度 acidity

酸碱度(pH) acidity-alkalinity,power of hydrogen(pH value)

侵蚀二氧化碳 corrosive carbon dioxide

游离二氧化碳 free carbon dioxide

游离氧化钙 free calcium oxide

酸性水 acidic water

碱性水 alkaline water

可饮用水 potable water

微矿化水 slightly mineralized water

侵蚀性水 aggressive water

腐蚀性水 corrosive water

无腐蚀 non-corrosive

弱腐蚀 weakly corrosive

中等腐蚀 moderately corrosive

强腐蚀 highly corrosive

腐蚀类型 corrosion types

分解型腐蚀 decomposing corrosion

溶出型腐蚀 dissolving corrosion

酸型腐蚀 acid corrosion

碳酸型腐蚀 carbonic acid corrosion

分解结晶复合型腐蚀 decomposing-crystalline compound corrosion

硫酸镁型腐蚀 magnesium sulfate corrosion

结晶型腐蚀 crystalline corrosion

硫酸盐腐蚀 sulfates corrosion

微矿化水型腐蚀 corrosion by slightly mineralized water

渗流 seepage

导水系数 transmissivity

等时水位线 isochrone

等水压线 isopiestic line

渗径 seepage path

防渗,渗流控制 seepage control,seepage prevention

渗流模型 seepage model

渗流区 seepage area,vadose region

渗流速度 seepage velocity

渗流网 seepage flow net

渗流压力 seepage pressure

渗漏 leakage

渗漏量 leakage quantity

渗漏流量 leakage discharge

渗滤 percolation

入渗 infiltration

渗入 influent seepage

渗透 seepage,permeation

渗透量 seepage quantity

渗流量 seepage flow

渗透坡降 seepage gradient

渗透扬压力 seepage uplift

渗透剖面 seepage profile,permeability profile

渗透速度 seepage velocity

渗透性 permeability

渗透系数 permeability coefficient

透水率 permeable rate

吕荣值 Lugeon value

单位吸水量 specific water absorption

岩土渗透性分级 classification of permeability of rocks(soils)

极微透水 very slightly pervious

微透水 slightly pervious

弱透水 weakly pervious

中等透水 moderately pervious

强透水 strongly pervious

极强透水 very strongly pervious

压力传导系数 pressure conductivity coefficient

渗透力 seepage force

渗透变形 seepage deformation

临界水力坡降 critical hydraulic gradient

出逸坡降 exit gradient

渗出物 exudation

反滤层 filter

饱和土 saturated soil

不饱和土 unsaturated soil

孔隙水压力 pore pressure

超孔隙水压力 excess pore pressure

水文地质试验 hydrogeological test

渗透试验 permeability test

压水试验 water pressure test,Lugeon test

高压压水试验 high pressure water test

稳定水位 steady water level

管路压力损失 pressure loss of tube

压力-时间曲线 plot of pressure versus time

层流 laminar flow

紊流 turbulent flow

裂隙膨胀与压缩 joint dilation and contraction

注水试验 injection test

抽水试验 pumping test

单孔抽水试验 single well pumping test

多孔抽水试验 multiple well pumping test

稳定流抽水试验 steady-flow pumping test

非稳定流抽水试验 unsteady-flow pumping test

变水头渗透试验 variable head permeability test

完整孔 completely penetrating well

非完整孔 partially penetrating well

动水位 dynamic water level

抽水孔 pumping well

观测孔 observation well

降落漏斗 depression cone

影响半径 influence radius

水位降深 drawdown

导水率 transmissibility

释水系数 storage coefficient

给水度 specific yield

示踪试验 tracing test

示踪同位素 tracer isotope

荧光示踪剂 fluorescent tracer

放射性示踪剂 radioactive tracer,radioindicator

示踪元素 tracer element

指示剂法 tracer method

连通试验 hydraulic connectivity test

水温观测 observation of water temperature

水污染 water pollution

水压计 hydraulic gauge

(7)物理地质现象 Physicogeological phenomenon

风化与蚀变 weathering and alteration

风化 weathering

风化壳 weathering crust

囊状风化 scrotiform weathering

蜂窝状风化 honeycomb weathering

间层风化 interstratified weathering

球状风化 spheroidal weathering

物理风化 physical weathering

化学风化 chemical weathering

风化带 zone of weathering,weathered zone

风化程度 weathering degree

残积土 residual soil

全风化 completely weathered

强风化 highly weathered

弱风化,中风化 moderately weathered

微风化 slightly weathered

新鲜 fresh

崩解(崩解性) disintegration

风化分解 decomposition weathering

风化破碎 disintegration weathering

松散岩体 loosed rock mass,broken rock mass

蚀变 alteration

物理蚀变 physical alteration

化学蚀变 chemical alteration

热液蚀变 hydrothermal alteration

蚀变带 altered zone

可溶性 solubility,dissolubility

可压缩层 compressible stratum

卸荷,应力释放 stress release(relief)

卸荷裂隙 stress release fissure

卸荷岩体 relaxed rock mass

强卸荷 highly relaxed

弱卸荷 weakly relaxed

深卸荷带 deep relaxed zone

松动岩体 loosened rock mass

蠕变 creep

蠕变岩体 creeping rock mass

危岩 dangerous rock,unstable rock

地面沉降 ground subsidence

地质灾害 geological disaster

崩塌 collapse,avalanche

剥落 spalling,exfoliation

散落 ravelling

岩崩 rockfall

冰崩 ice avalanche

塌陷 caving

倾倒 toppling

溃屈 buckling

坐落 slumping

滑坡 landslide

平面滑动 planar slide

圆弧滑动 circular slide

楔体滑动 wedge slide

蠕滑 creeping slide

顺层滑动 slide along bedding plane

切层滑动 slide cutting bedding plane

推移型滑坡 landslide of pushing type

牵引型滑坡 landslide of dragging type

平移型滑坡 horizontal-moving landslide

顺层滑坡 consequent landslide

切层滑坡 insequent landslide

滑坡舌 slip tongue

滑坡体 slip mass

滑坡基座 slip foundation

滑坡壁 slip cliff,landslide main scarp

滑坡堆积体 landslide deposit

滑坡洼地 landslide graben

滑坡鼓丘 landslide bulge

滑坡剪出口 toe of sliding surface

滑坡裂缝 landslide fracture

滑坡前缘 landslide deposit toe

滑坡后缘 landslide crown

滑坡侧缘 landslide flank

滑坡台阶 landslide terrance

滑坡坝 landslide dam

堰塞湖 landslide lake,dammed lake

滑坡涌浪模拟 landslide-generated waves simulation

泥石流 debris flow

稀性泥石流 diluted debris flow

黏性泥石流 viscous debris flow

泥石流形成区 debris flow forming region

泥石流流通区 debris flow transporting region

泥石流堆积区 debris flow accumulating region

泥流阶地 mudflow terrace

冰川泥石流 glacier debris flow

降雨型泥石流 debris flow of precipitation pattern

共生型泥石流 debris flow of integration pattern

岩溶 karst

岩溶过程 karst process

岩溶率 rate of karstification

岩溶充填率 rate of karst filling

连通率 continuity

裸露型岩溶 bare karst

覆盖性岩溶 covered karst

埋葬型岩溶 buried karst

岩溶地形 karst topography

岩溶(侵蚀)基准 karst base level

岩溶景观 karst landscape

岩溶盆地 karst basin

岩溶洼地 karst depression

岩溶槽谷 karst valley

溶洞 karst cave

钟乳石 stalactite

石笋 stalagmite

石柱 stalacto-stalagmite,column

泉华 sinter

溶斗 doline,funnel

溶沟 karren

溶隙 solution crack

岩溶井 karst well

暗河 underground river

岩溶洞穴网 karstic network

岩溶含水层 karst aquifer

岩溶侵蚀 karst erosion

岩溶通道 karst channel

岩溶突水 karst declogging