4.3 移民安置 Resettlement

社会经济基线 socio-economic baseline

社会经济问题 socio-economic issue

可持续发展框架 sustainable development framework

经济发展总体规划 overall economic development plan

长远经济发展规划 long-term economic development plan

近期规划 short-term plan

远景规划 long-term plan

发展目标 development objective

城市扩张 urban expansion

经济发达地区 developed region

经济不发达地区 undeveloped region

人口稠密区 densely populated area

贫困线 poverty line

贫穷地区 impoverished area

实地访问 field inquiry

实地调查 field investigation

逐户调查 household investigation

抽样调查 sampling investigation

填表调查 tabulating statistic

公众参与 public participation

当地居民参与 engagement of local residents

利益相关者参与 stakeholder engagement

村民小组 village group

透明度与公信力 transparency and credibility

公认 public acceptance

群众支持 public support

住户收支调查 surveys on household income and expenditure

可以自由处置的收入 disposable income

实物收入 income-in-kind

副业收入 sideline income

劳务收入 service income

实物指标公示 soliciting public comments on inventory in-kind

实物指标确认 confirmation of inventory in-kind

物价增长 price inflation

工程影响的居住区 project-affected community

少数民族居住地区 minority-inhabited areas

民族意识 ethnic awareness

种族歧视 ethnic discrimination

种族 ethnic group

工程影响人口 project affected persons(PAPs)

人口预测 population prediction

人口增长率 population growth rate

人口密度 population density

人口结构 population structure

人口流入 population influx

自然增长率 natural growth rate

公共健康 public health

生育率 fertility rate

婴儿死亡率 infant mortality rate

户籍人口 registered population

常住人口 resident population

非农业人口 non-agricultural population

户主 household head

流动人口 migratory population

通勤人口 commuting population

动态人口 dynamic population

劳动力 labor force

本地人口 indigenous population

本地居民 indigenous inhabitant

本地文化 indigenous culture

受教育程度 educational background

移民 resettler

农村移民 rural resettler

农村家庭 rural household

直接受影响住户 directly affected household

搬迁人口 relocation population

非自愿迁移 involuntary relocation

非自愿移民 involuntary resettler

产业结构 industrial structure

职业结构 occupation structure

职业分类 occupation classification

职业分析 vocational analysis

职业教育 vocational education

当前生计 current livelihood

就业状况 employment status

就业机会 job opportunity

就业率 employment rate

失业率 rate of unemployment

人身保险 life insurance

劳动保险 labor insurance

水库淹没处理 reservoir inundation treatment

水库淹没区 reservoir inundation zone

居民迁移线 border of resident relocation

土地征用 land requisition

土地征用线 property line,border of land requisition

临时用地 temporary land occupation

土地占补平衡 requisition-compensation balance of land

人口迁移线 relocation border

敏感对象 sensitive object

临时淹没区 infrequent flooded zone

主要淹没影响 major inundation impact

正面影响 positive impact

潜在影响 potential impact

淹没影响调查 inundation inventory survey

水库淹没实物指标 reservoir inundation inventory

淹没耕地 inundated cultivated land

淹没农田 inundated farmland

零星林木 scattering trees

水库影响区 reservoir-affected area

影响处理区 affected area to be treated

坍岸区 bank caving area

浸没区 Inundation area

蓄水分期 impoundment stages

移民安置范围 extent of resettlement

农业安置 agricultural resettlement

大规模农业生产 large-scale agricultural production

非农业生产 non-agricultural production

工矿企业 industrial and mining enterprises

工业迁建 industrial relocation

工业部门 industrial sector

劳动力密集的行业 labor intensity industry

集体所有制企业 collective ownership enterprise

乡镇企业 township owned enterprise

劳动力市场 labor market

服务业 service business

副业 sideline activity

停产期 period of closure

停产损失 loss in production stop

拟定移民方针 development of a resettlement concept

移民生活水平评价预测 assessment and prediction of resettlers'living standard

移民安置总体规划 general planning of resettlement

移民安置行动计划 resettlement action plan(RAP)

移民实施组织设计 resettlement implementation and organization design

职业健康和安全计划 occupational health and safety plan

社会行动计划 social action plan

社会及经济方面的重建 social and economic reestablishment

移民政策 resettlement policy

移民权利 entitlement of resettlers

移民安置方式 resettlement scheme

移民办公室 resettlement office

移民搬迁期 resettlement transition period

移民后期扶持 post-resettlement support

生产扶持 production support

生计恢复 livelihood restoration

生活标准 living standard

税收优惠政策 preferential tax policy

补贴政策 subsidy policy

移民补贴 resettlement subsidy

申诉机制 grievance mechanism

申诉救济制度 grievance redress system

移民试点工程 pilot resettlement project

安置区 host area

移民安置区 resettlement area

环境容量 environmental carrying capacity

土地承载能力 land bearing capacity

选址 siting

定居区 settled zone

生活区 living quarter

常住居民 permanent resident

生产安置人口 agricultural population to be job-arranged

招工安置 allocation with job

农村移民安置 rural resettlement

就近后靠 local resettlement to higher elevation

远迁 distant relocation

货币补偿 monetary indemnity(compensation)

土地 land

土地所有权 land ownership,land tenure

土地使用权 land use right

土地开发整理 land reclamation and improvement

土地流转 land circulation

土地开垦 land reclamation

土地征用标准 land requisition criterion

土地收入 land revenue

未利用地 left-over land

未开垦土地 uncultivated land

河滩地 flood plain

荒地 barren land

低洼地 swale

低洼盐碱地 saline-alkali swale

种植农业 plantation agriculture

复合农林业 agro-forestry

农用地 farmland

示范农场 demonstration farm

机械化程度 mechanization level

人均耕地 cultivated land per capita

播种面积 sown area

单位面积产量 yield per unit area

耕地 cultivated land

水田 paddy field

水浇地 irrigated land

旱地 arid land

菜地 vegetable land

园地 garden plot

自留地 plot for private use

复种 multiple cropping

复种面积 multiple cropping area

复种指数 multiple crop index

耕作密度 cultivated density

有机肥 organic fertilizer

无霜期 frost-free period

歉收年 fail year

粮食作物 grain crops

经济作物 commercial crops

油料作物 oiling crops

饲料作物 forage crops

青苗 young crops

蔬菜 vegetable

粮食产量 grain output

粮食补贴 grain allowance

林地 forest land

林场 forest farm

原种场 foundation seed farm

林带 forest belt

用材林 timber forest

经济林 non-wood forest

薪炭林 firewood forest

防护林 shelter forest

生态公益林 non-commercial forest

防风固沙林 sand-shifting control forest

灌木林地 shrub forest land

疏林地 vegetable and forest land

苗圃 nursery garden

苗木 nursery stock

木柴 firewood

禁猎区 sanctuary

禁猎期,禁渔期 fence time

畜牧业 livestock husbandry

饲养制度 feeding regime

牲畜头数 livestock population

畜舍 livestock shed

繁殖场 breeding farm

渔业 fishery

渔业区 fishing zone

鱼饲养 fish rearing

鱼池(鱼塘) fish pond

鱼苗 fry

鱼苗场 fry raising farm

幼鱼 fingerling

房屋 housing

框架式房屋 frame-type house

砖混房 brick-concrete house

砖木房 brick-wood house

木房 wood house

土房 adobe

人均住房面积 floor area per capita

重置价格 replacement price

迁建规划 relocation plan

移民搬迁设计 relocation design

生产安置设计 production resettlement design

城市集镇迁建 urban and town relocation

城市总体规划 urban master plan

城市集镇新址 new town site

供水计划 water supply scheme

污水处理厂 sewage treatment plant

自吸式污水泵 self-priming sewage pump

专项设施 special facility

文物古迹 culturaland historic relic

压覆矿产 covered mineral resource

防护工程 protection works

补偿费用概算 compensation cost estimate

移民安置费估算 resettlement cost estimate

迁建补偿标准 relocation compensation standard

分项投资 breakdown cost